
时间:2020年05月18日 来源:






The top of each line is attached to small

fabric loops sewn into the structure of the wing, which are generally arranged

in rows running span-wise (i.e., side to side). The row of lines nearest the

front are known as the A lines, the next row back the B lines, and so on.[14] A

typical wing will have A, B, C and D lines, but recently, there has been a

tendency to reduce the rows of lines to three, or even two (and experimentally

to one), to reduce drag.

Paraglider lines are usually made from

Dyneema/Spectra or Kevlar/Aramid.[14] Although they look rather slender, these

materials are immensely strong. For example, a single 0.66 mm-diameter line

(about the thinnest used) can have a breaking strength of 56 kg.[15]

Paraglider wings typically have an area of

20–35 square metres (220–380 sq ft) with a span of 8–12 metres (26–39 ft) and

weigh 3–7 kilograms (6.6–15.4 lb). Combined weight of wing, harness, reserve,

instruments, helmet, etc. is around 12–22 kilograms (26–49 lb).



A pilot with harness (light blue),

performing a reverse launch

The pilot is loosely and comfortably

buckled into a harness, which offers support in both the standing and sitting

positions. Most harnesses have foam or airbag protectors underneath the seat

and behind the back to reduce the impact on failed launches or landings. Modern

harnesses are designed to be as comfortable as a lounge chair in the sitting or

reclining position. Many harnesses even have an adjustable "lumbar

support". A reserve parachute is also typically connected to a paragliding


Harnesses also vary according to the need

of the pilot, and thereby come in a range of designs, mostly: Training harness

for beginners, Pax harness for tandem passengers that often also doubles as a

training harness, XC Harness for long distance cross country flights, All round

harness for basic to intermediate pilots, Pod harness, which is for

intermediate to pro pilots that focus on XC. Acro harnesses are special designs

for acrobatic pilots, Kids tandem harnesses are also now available with special

child-proof locks.

In 1952 Canadian Domina Jalbert patented a

governable gliding parachute with multi-cells and controls for lateral


In 1954, Walter Neumark predicted (in an

article in Flight magazine) a time when a glider pilot would be "able to

launch himself by running over the edge of a cliff or down a slope ... whether

on a rock-climbing holiday in Skye or ski-ing in the Alps."[3]

In 1961, the French engineer Pierre

Lemongine produced improved parachute designs that led to the Para-Commander.

The PC had cutouts at the rear and sides that enabled it to be towed into the

air and steered, leading to parasailing/parascending.

Domina Jalbert invented the Parafoil, which

had sectioned cells in an aerofoil shape; an open leading edge and a closed

trailing edge, inflated by passage through the air – the ram-air design. He

filed US Patent 3131894 on January 10, 1963.[4]


Radio communications are used in training,

to communicate with other pilots, and to report where and when they intend to

land. These radios normally operate on a range of frequencies in different

countries—some authorised,[18][19] some illegal but tolerated locally. Some

local authorities (e.g., flight clubs) offer periodic automated weather updates

on these frequencies. In rare cases, pilots use radios to talk to airport

control towers or air traffic controllers. Many pilots carry a cell phone so

they can call for pickup should they land away from their intended point of



GPS (global positioning system) is a

necessary accessory when flying competitions, where it has to be demonstrated

that way-points have been correctly passed. The recorded GPS track of a flight

can be used to analyze flying technique or can be shared with other pilots. GPS

is also used to determine drift due to the prevailing wind when flying at

altitude, providing position information to allow restricted airspace to be

avoided and identifying one's location for retrieval teams after landing out in

unfamiliar territory.  奉贤区正规滑翔伞价格如何计算










1961年,法国工程师Pierre Lemongine制作了改进的降落伞设计,从而设计了Para-Commander。 PC的后部和侧面均设有切口,可将其拖入空中并进行操纵,从而实现滑翔伞运动。

多米娜·贾伯特(Domina Jalbert)发明了Parafoil,它具有呈翼型形状的切片细胞。 敞开式前缘和封闭式后缘,通过空气而膨胀-冲压空气设计。 他于1963年1月10日提交了美国专利3131894。 南京原装滑翔伞新报价

上海翼舞航空科技有限公司创建于2017-03-08,注册资金 30-50万元,办公设施齐全,办公环境优越,已***实行网络化办公,**提高了速度和效率。致力于创造***的产品与服务,以诚信、敬业、进取为宗旨,以建翼舞明星产品为目标,努力打造成为同行业中具有影响力的企业。公司坚持以客户为中心、上海翼舞航空科技有限公司旗下的专业公司,一直以来我们都向广大的航空爱好者和专业人士提供质量、低价的纯进口轻型航空器材,我们提供的设备有滑翔伞、动力伞、三角翼、动力三角翼、水上动力三角翼和固定翼轻型飞机,我们的产品应用于个人户外运动探险、航空杂技表演、警察空中巡逻、电力网线架设和巡视、电视航空拍摄、灾害检查收救、大型赛事活动直播、景点空中观赏、空中农药喷洒等一系列领域市场为导向,重信誉,保质量,想客户之所想,急用户之所急,全力以赴满足客户的一切需要。翼舞始终以质量为发展,把顾客的满意作为公司发展的动力,致力于为顾客带来***的[ "动力伞", "滑翔伞", "飞行", "热汽球" ]。

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